Here are some thoughts regarding the recent NPM Convention from a different perspective. Maria Koncius is not a working musician. As a full time Pastoral Associate at Holy Family in Novi, she is very much involved in the liturgical life of the parish, and interteracts with the music staff on a day to day basis She attended the Convention as a hard working volunteer in the registration area, and thus met attendees from all over the country.
St. Augustine wrote that “singing is praying twice”. Well there was a “whole lotta praying going on” at the NPM convention. It was exciting to see people from all over the country joining together to praise God, to join in fellowship and to be immersed in new ideas and new music. There was a mixed atmosphere of excitement, frustration, and hope. And yet, when it came time to sing, it was the music that raised the spirits, united the participants and praised the Lord.
Maria Koncius, Pastoral Associate at Holy Family in Novi